Articles » Catholic Imagination

  1. Has Literature Regained Its Faith?

    Angela Alaimo O'Donnell, Curran Center for American Catholic Studies Associate Director, recognizes the big progress made in putting Catholic literature back on the literary map. 

    Filippo Lippi Jerome Gregory

  2. Protestant Fiction Needs the Catholic Imagination

    Jessica Hooten Wilson, Associate Professor of Literature and Creative Writing at John Brown University, shares some ideas on how to improve Protestant fiction. 

    Pope Calvin Luther

  3. What Is the Catholic Imagination?

    Michael Murphy, Director of the Hank Center at Loyola University Chicago, invites you to reexamine a hotly debated notion. 

    Catholic Imagination

  4. Golden Beauty Lies Sometimes

    Anne Carpenter, Assistant Professor of Theology at St. Mary’s College, critiques the Baroque Catholic imagination through the history of race.

    Caravaggio Young Sick Bacchus

  5. Must Catholics Hate Hegel?

    Jordan Daniel Wood & Justin Shaun Coyle rebut the claim that Hegel's philosophy ruined German Catholicism.

    Hegel By Kugler

  6. Met Gala: Catholicism Broken but Shining

    Anne Carpenter, Assistant Professor of Theology at Saint Mary’s College (CA), goes deeper into the Met Gala than knee-jerk gushing or hating.

    Heavenly Bodies Fashion And The Catholic Imagination

  7. Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Apocalypse

    Emily Edmondson, Texan and University of Notre Dame M.T.S., highlights the strong ties between Mexico, La Guadalupana, and the Woman of the Apocalypse.

    1280px Basilica De Nuestra Se Ora De Guadalupeabna

  8. Letting the Imagination Out to Play

    Last weekend, I was in Philadelphia for the Society for Catholic Liturgy. This “multidisciplinary association of Catholic scholars” seeks to promote the “scholarly study and practical renewal of the Church’s litur...
  9. The Catholic Imagination is Ecclesial (Or It's Not Really Catholic)

    In two previous articles, Artur Rosman, the Editor-in-Chief of Church Life, has advanced a proposal for what constitutes the Catholic imagination. According to Rosman, the Catholic imagination is often employed in departments…
  10. The Confused Catholic Imagination

    It is commonplace to assume that the imagination is opposed to reality. This is not the prevailing understanding of the imagination in contemporary theory and theology. Let’s start with the following classic rock lyrics to clarify ...
  11. Editorial Musings: Nourishing the Imagination, Renewing the Church

    As I write this week's editorial musings, the McGrath Institute for Church Life is engaged in final preparations for our annual summer programming. We will welcome to the University of Notre Dame liturgical and sacramental catechist...


  12. New Orleans and the Catholic Imagination

    Today is Mardi Gras. Timothy P. O'Malley treats the celebration of Mardi Gras as a way of understanding how to keep Holy Lent. Not with sadness but with hope.


  13. The Catholic Imagination in the Classroom

    My students have grown accustomed to their senses being bombarded with stimulation. They find it difficult, as do I, to cut off from the noise of the fast-paced world swirling around them. Too often, the media that falls in their lap, or...

    Manfredi Collage

  14. A Culture of Encounter: Root and Fruit of Human Dignity

    It happened on November 6, 2013. At the end of his weekly general audience with approximately 50,000 attendees, Pope Francis caught sight of a man in his fifties. He was sitting in a wheelchair and accompanied by his aunt Lotto who recal...