Articles » Catechesis

  1. Ancient Israel's Law of Defending the Weak

    Anthony Pagliarini of Notre Dame's theology department argues the Law requires of Israel an extension of what God himself has done for her.

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  2. Beauty Already Has Saved the World

    St. Paul concludes his letter to the Philippians with an exhortation: Finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence and...
  3. Don’t Panic About Nones Who Stop Believing

    Sooner or later—probably sooner rather than later these days—children stop believing in Santa Claus. My younger brother was an exception to this rule, although to be fair there were a lot more cultural supports for Santa Clau...

    Cropped Nvidia Santa Claus Thomas Nast

  4. Friendship with God is the Basis for All Friendships

    The imagery of friendship is present in the first half of John’s narrative, but it comes into sharpest focus in the second half of the Gospel, particularly during the Last Supper, when Jesus refers to his disciples as “friend...


  5. Using Metaphors to Teach Prayer

    Scriptures pulse with metaphorical phrases and images (“The Lord is my shepherd . . .”). Jesus’s description of the Kingdom of God is a metaphor. The National Directory for Catechesis [NDC] urges catechists to recognize...

    Gebhard Fugel Moses Vor Dem Brennenden Dornbusch C1920

  6. "You can eat with us": On Poverty and Community

    Twenty years ago, I asked Paul, the tall, burly, blunt, and opinionated leader of the Catholic soup kitchen, if I could take my youth group to serve dinner. “Nope!” he barked. Startled, I squeaked out, “Um, why?” ...
  7. Does a Catholic School Evangelize?

    Our weekly post describing what you'll find in this week's Church Life. Celebrating Catholic Schools week, Church Life will ask this week: does a Catholic school evangelize?


  8. The Feast of the Holy Family: Not Just a Model

    Those of us suspicious of the pious platitudes that too often make their home in Catholic homiletic practice know that the feast of the Holy Family is a "code-red" day for such platitudes. We families assemble in our parishes a...

    Holy Family

  9. Auden on the Feast of St. Stephen

    Well, so that is that. Now we must dismantle the tree, Putting the decorations back into their cardboard boxes— Some have got broken—and carrying them up to the attic. The holly and the mistletoe must be taken down and burnt...


  10. Advent Fun and Festivity: St. Lucy's Day

    Today the Church celebrates the feast of St. Lucy, a third-century Sicilian girl who pledged her virginity to Christ and endured a martyr’s death when she refused to renounce her faith. Numerous versions of St. Lucy’s martyrd...

    Crivelli Polittico Minore Di S

  11. The Virgin of Guadalupe and the Season of Advent

    For some Christian people throughout the world, especially Mexican and Mexican-American Christians, December 12, of course, is the celebration of the Virgin Mary of Guadalupe. The feast commemorates her December 9–12, 1531 appearan...

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  12. The Politics of the Saints

    On this feast of All Saints Day, we remember that the saints present to us a politics of praise that are the ultimate vocation of the human being.

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  13. The Word Made Beautiful: The Saint John's Bible

    A few years ago the McGrath Institute for Church Life welcomed Donald Jackson, the visionary calligrapher commissioned by St. John’s University in Collegeville to create a hand-written illuminated Bible using techniques that date b...

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  14. Three Views on 'Having a Vocation'

    When I was in grade school, the whole idea of having a vocation seemed rather clear to me: I learned that I had a vocation either to the priesthood or to marriage, and that was it. Anyone not choosing to be a priest (or brother) or a nun...

    Calling Of Sons

  15. Confessions of a Post-RadTrad Millennial: The Perfect Sacrifice

    I grew up in a parish that was very much steeped in the “Spirit of Vatican II”: our priests used glass chalices, wore their stoles over their chasubles, and there wasn’t a Sunday in Ordinary Time when we didn’t sw...

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  16. The Stinginess of the Sinner

    We often think about sin as extravagance. The sinner is the one who drinks too much, gambles too much, who desires pleasure too much. On the 11th Sunday of Ordinary Time, we consider the stinginess of the sinner. The sinner who loves not...

    Rubens Feast Of Simon The Pharisee

  17. The Marriage Begins

    The Book of Revelation does not contain a series of esoteric predictions about the end of the world. Rather, Revelation presents a world in which the final union of God and humanity is taking place in the presence of the slain Lamb. This...

    Wedding Feast

  18. Easter in the Busyness

    Scripture readings: Psalm 126, Psalm 127, Colossians 1:12–20, Hebrews 7:24–27 As usual, it is in the Psalms, today, that the Word of God seems to draw near to our Easter experience here at Notre Dame. I am speaking, of cours...

    Vespers Homily Blog Image

  19. The Dignity of a Human Person: A Catholic Doctrine

    If perchance there might be a person in this audience from Wisconsin, Missouri, or New York, whom I had the honor of confirming, be patient with me, please, for, odds are that I used this same story during my sermon that day. In July 200...


  20. Asceticism as Healing Art

    Healing takes many different forms because it is a response to many different kinds of threats. A cut and a broken leg are each healed differently because the damage is different; nevertheless, the same end is sought in both cases. The r...

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  21. Juan Diego and Latino Lay Spirituality

    In light of the recent trip of Pope Francis to Mexico and his visit to the Basilica of Guadalupe, the person of St. Juan Diego provokes an invitation to consider his virtues and those of other Latinos who have imitated his “practic...

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