Articles » Pro-Life

  1. Prisons Are a Biblical Abomination

    Vincent Lloyd, Villanova Associate Professor of Theology and Religious Studies, argues that the biblical language of abomination applies to prisons.

    Aerial Shot Of Pelican Bay State Prison Taken 27 July 2009

  2. Gestational Surrogacy Is Big Business

    Adeline Allen, Associate Professor at Trinity Law School, zeroes in on the legal issues surrounding gestational surrogacy and its connections to abortion.


  3. The Devastating Fallout from Prenatal Testing

    Mary O’Callaghan, ND Center for Ethics & Culture Public Policy Fellow, discusses the devastating effects of prenatal testing on disabled children.

    Praskoya Kovalyova

  4. After Failing the Covington Catholic Test

    Charles Camosy, Fordham Associate Professor of Christian Ethics, reconsiders his initial reactions to the Covington Catholic video and the March for Life.

    Covington Catholic

  5. When the State Kills

    Charles C. Camosy, Life and Dignity Writing Fellow, highlights some very disconcerting facts about the death penalty in the United States.

    Prado Los Desastres De La Guerra No

  6. The Crisis of Catholic Moral Theology

    Charles Camosy, Fordham University Associate Professor of Christian Ethics, identifies the causes of the crisis in the discipline of Catholic moral theology.

    1262px Bellows George Dempsey And Firpo 1924

  7. Addressing the American Suicide Contagion

    Anna Keating, author of The Catholic Catalogue & Colorado College Catholic chaplain, proposes solutions to the suicide epidemic in the United States.

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  8. Humanae Vitae After Planned Parenthood v. Casey

    Charles Camosy, Associate Professor of Christian Ethics at Fordham, analyzes new approaches to fertility that respect and work with the body's ecology.

    Natural Cycles

  9. Medieval Rites and Contemporary Dying

    Elaine Stratton Hild, musicologist and NDIAS Fellow, looks at how medieval rites for the dying, especially music, can be applied to contemporary contexts.

    Ward In The Hospital In Arles

  10. An Ethic of Listening

    I love to write and speak—definitely a verbal processor—but I wouldn’t say I’m naturally a good listener. This double-edged sword makes me an effective rhetorician but also a candidate for what St. Paul refers to ...

    Fyrqvist Crop

  11. How to Talk to Young People about the Dangers of Pornography

    As pornography becomes increasingly pervasive, the distinct divide between sacred image and profane picture is threatened; increasingly erotic images have less and less shock value. The previously middle ground between the two poles has ...


  12. Debunking Abortion Myths: Part 3

    In just over a week, hundreds of thousands of Americans will gather on the National Mall to protest the their country’s abortion policy, which ranks among the most permissive in the world. As abortion rates reach their lowest level...
  13. Debunking Abortion Myths: Part 2

    Political rhetoric often gives the impression that Americans’ views on abortion may be neatly categorized along ideological, generation, and gender lines. However, this ethereal narrative blurs and even obscures the on-the-ground r...