Can Liturgy Heal a Secular Age?

Timothy P. O'Malley on how liturgy can be healing of a secular age. But only if we understand secularity and ritual well.


Can We Get Lent Wrong?

Timothy O'Malley on the various ways that we can get Lent wrong.

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5 Lenten Practices that Aren't Giving Up Chocolate

With Ash Wednesday now come and gone, Catholics everywhere embark on their journey of Lenten disciplines. Lenten penitence can quickly begin to feel rote. While there is still great spiritual benefit in denying ourselves dessert or Netfl...

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New Orleans and the Catholic Imagination

Today is Mardi Gras. Timothy P. O'Malley treats the celebration of Mardi Gras as a way of understanding how to keep Holy Lent. Not with sadness but with hope.


The Light By Which We See: The Problem of Promise and Identity

Editors' Note: This post is an excerpt from the beginning of the first chapter of DeLorenzo’s new book Witness: Learning to Tell the Story of Grace That Illumine Our Lives, published by and reprinted with the permission of Ave Mari...

Editorial Musings: Does the Church Need the Arts?

Church Life takes up this week a key question: Does the Church need the arts? Do the arts need the Church? How might we rebuild a marriage that is necessary for the New Evangelization?

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