
  1. Nourishing the Imagination: Science & Religion

    As anyone reading this article is likely to know already, the McGrath Institute for Church Life is dedicated to nourishing the Catholic imagination and renewing the Church. The past three years of my work in the MICL have made the claim ...

    Martin Micl Crop

  2. Trinity Sunday: A Feast Celebrating Liturgy

    This weekend in the United States, we celebrate Trinity Sunday.  For the most part, our parishes will be inundated with a series of beige homilies, which celebrate not so much the mystery of the Triune God but the mathematical puzzl...

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  3. Editorial Musings: Nourishing the Imagination, Renewing the Church

    As I write this week's editorial musings, the McGrath Institute for Church Life is engaged in final preparations for our annual summer programming. We will welcome to the University of Notre Dame liturgical and sacramental catechist...


  4. Our Lady, Doer of Knots

    At the beginning of our marriage, my husband and I spent six months living in Argentina as volunteers at a hospice house. The hospice was run by a religious community with whom we were connected, and welcomed terminally ill men and women...

    Mary Undoer Of Knots Picmonkey

  5. "You can eat with us": On Poverty and Community

    Twenty years ago, I asked Paul, the tall, burly, blunt, and opinionated leader of the Catholic soup kitchen, if I could take my youth group to serve dinner. “Nope!” he barked. Startled, I squeaked out, “Um, why?” ...
  6. "Parks and Recreation": Icon of Community

    Over the past several months, I’ve been rewatching NBC’s comedy series Parks and Recreation, which is, in my opinion, one of the most quietly wonderful shows ever to be on television. Having seen every episode at least once n...

    Pirtle Parks And Rec Crop