Articles » Arts

  1. The Wayward Daughters

    Haley Stewart, writer, speaker, and podcaster wrestles with the weight of sin borne by female characters in the fiction of Sigrid Undset and Evelyn Waugh.

    1177px Maria Magdalena Rijksmuseum Sk A 372

  2. Death and Bunnies All the Way Down?

    Renée Roden, Notre Dame MTS Graduate and freelance writer, reviews Oscars 2019 Best Picture nominee The Favourite.

    The Favourite

  3. A Commonplace Christmas

    Anne Horcher, University of Notre Dame English major and intern for the ND Center for Liturgy, meditates upon G.K. Chesterton's poem "The Nativity."

    1466px Giorgione Adoration Of The Shepherds National Gallery Of Art

  4. Fear the Innocence of Children

    Georges Bernanos imagines what an agnostic would preach to a congregation of ordinary believers.

    Jesus John The Baptist Cranach

  5. Faith Is Not a Big Electric Blanket

    Jordan Haddad, CUA Ph.D. student in Systematic Theology, discusses Flannery O'Connor's channeling of John the Baptist's freakish Advent spirit.

    John The Baptist Icon

  6. Third Sunday in Advent: A Call to Surrender

    Anne Horcher, University of Notre Dame English major and intern for the ND Center for Liturgy, analyzes John Keble's “Third Sunday in Advent.”

    Around The Sea Of Galilee

  7. The Unremarkable Sunday in Advent

    Anne Horcher, University of Notre Dame English major and intern for the ND Center for Liturgy, analyzes John Keble's “Second Sunday in Advent.”

    Snowflower E1544245575572 1

  8. First Sunday in Advent: The Bridegroom Comes

    Timothy O'Malley, Director ND Center for Liturgy, kicks off our Advent commentary on devotional poetry series with Christina Rossetti's "Advent Sunday."

    1200px Stefan Lochner Last Judgement Circa 1435

  9. Charles Péguy's Difficult Hope

    Anne Carpenter, Assistant Professor of Theology at Saint Mary’s College (CA), digs into the roots of Charles Péguy's art and politics.

    Zurbaran Shroud

  10. Vaporwave and Simone Weil's Void

    Scott Beauchamp, writer and author of the forthcoming "Did You Kill Anyone?," introduces the vaporwave aesthetic as a compliment to Simone Weil's mysticism.

    Vaporwave Venus

  11. Active Love Is a Harsh and Fearful Thing

    Kristen Drahos, Post-Doctoral Fellow in the Western Heritage Program at Carthage College, places the logic of sacrifice in the midst of the everyday.


  12. The Healing Power of Beauty

    This is an essay about vision and blindness, about seeing and the failure to see, about wholes and fragments, sickness and healing, light and darkness, about nativity and the rebirth to eternal youth, about a mode of beauty that does not...