November 2017

Whose Liturgy? What Sacrifice?

Tim O'Malley, Director of the Notre Dame Center for Liturgy, reviews James K.A. Smith's new book Awaiting the King: Reforming Public Theology.

The Church Has a Morbid Streak

Jessica Keating, Dir. of the Office of Human Dignity and Life Initiatives at the Institute for Church Life, dives into the strange ironies of sainthood.

What is the Community of Sant'Egidio?

Daniel Philpott, Professor of Political Science at the University of Notre Dame, discusses how friendship is the bedrock of the Community of Sant'Egidio.

Life After Life After Death

Tim Kelleher, author, actor, filmmaker, and screenwriter, takes an unsparing look at the reality of (sudden) death and our ultimate ends.

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Stories of Grace 16: Learning to Take the Pie

Air conditioning. Those two little words were at the forefront of my mind as I sat down to eat lunch last summer in a restaurant in hot and humid Memphis, Tennessee. I had been there for a little over a month, working at a women’s ...

Humor in the Bible

Charles Kestermeier, SJ, professor in Creighton University's English department, highlights the humorous passages in the Old and New Testaments.

Elisha With Bears

The Blessing of Marital Monotony

Richard Becker, husband, father of seven, nursing instructor, and religious educator, finds sanctification right in the middle of the monotony of marriage.

Jazz: A Foretaste of Eternal Life

Carolyn Pirtle, assistant director of the Notre Dame Center for Liturgy, jams on how polyphonic music, especially jazz, images the communion of saints.

Whose Community? Which Benedict Option?

In our present cultural situation, it has become common for Christian thinkers to hold up St. Benedict as a paradigmatic example of how to navigate an increasingly secular society. This phenomenon can be traced back to the well-known con...

March 2015 Equinox Spring Tide At Mont Saint Michel 11

Handing Over to Satan

People, afflicted with an incomprehensible distress, Were throwing off their clothes on the piazzas so that nakedness might call For judgment. But in vain they were longing after horror, pity, and anger. —Czeslaw Milosz, "Oeconomia...

Belief in the Communion of Saints Isn't Optional

Leonard J. DeLorenzo, director of Notre Dame Vision, lays out why there is no doubt the communio sanctorum is central to a fully orthodox Catholic faith.

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Christ's Story Runs Deeper: The Sanctified Imagination

In his collection of “diagnostic essays,” The Message in the Bottle, Walker Percy reflects on the particular idiosyncrasies of the modern milieu, offering a prognosis for the malaise that manifests itself in pervasive cu...