Articles » Liturgy

  1. The Sociology of a Superb Sermon

    Christian Smith, ND William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of Sociology, covers three basic things that can go a long way in improving sermons.

    1280px Va Raphael St Paul Preaching In Athens 1515

  2. Good Friday's Silence Speaks

    Timothy O’Malley, Director of the ND Center for Liturgy, attentively listens to the silence of Good Friday.

    Kefermarkt Crucifix Austria

  3. Out of Our Mortal Depths

    Anne Horcher, ND English major and intern for the ND Center for Liturgy, interprets Christina Rossetti's "De Profundis" for Passiontide.


  4. The Festival Fast of the Annunciation

    Tamely, frail body, abstain today; today My soul eats twice, Christ hither and away. She sees him man, so like God made in this, That of them both a circle emblem is, Whose first and last concur; this doubtful day Of feast or fast, Chris...


  5. The Liturgy Is for (Little) Kids

    Timothy O'Malley, Director of the Notre Dame Center for Liturgy, on why we should encourage (little) kids in church.

    Crivelli Mass

  6. Advent Flesh?

    Paul Griffiths, theologian and author of many books, applies the arguments of his new book "Christian Flesh" to the Advent season.

    Madonna Del Parto Piero Della Francesca

  7. Remembering Creation Through the Saturday Sabbath

    Fr. Matthew Dallman, pastor of the Parish of Tazewell County, recommends taking the Sabbath to contemplate the Lord through his wondrous works of creation.

    Apocalypse Beatus

  8. The Month of Mary and Music

    Carolyn Pirtle, ND Center for Liturgy Program Director & composer of liturgical music, celebrates the Month of Mary with a Spotify playlist with liner notes.

    Month Of Mary

  9. Lead Us Not into Temptation

    Timothy O'Malley on the great temptations of power for those in the Church and the medicines of Lent.

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  10. Black Bodies, Kneeling, and the Liturgy

    Eric T. Styles, Rector of Carroll Hall at the University of Notre Dame, puts Colin Kaepernick's kneeling within a liturgical and Girardian perspective.

    Washington Kneeling

  11. Can Liturgy Heal a Secular Age?

    Timothy P. O'Malley on how liturgy can be healing of a secular age. But only if we understand secularity and ritual well.


  12. Can We Get Lent Wrong?

    Timothy O'Malley on the various ways that we can get Lent wrong.

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  13. 5 Lenten Practices that Aren't Giving Up Chocolate

    With Ash Wednesday now come and gone, Catholics everywhere embark on their journey of Lenten disciplines. Lenten penitence can quickly begin to feel rote. While there is still great spiritual benefit in denying ourselves dessert or Netfl...

    Roden Lent Crop

  14. Domus Dei, Domus Ecclesiae: Sacred Space and the Liturgy

    We can convey a lot by how we choose to decorate our homes. Growing up, guests to our home could learn (at least on a surface level) that my family was Catholic, that we were Mexican-American, and that we were huge Notre Dame football fa...

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  15. Abstraction, Contemplation, and the Architectural Imagination

    The Question: The Story at the Heart of Faith: Can abstraction call the person into the fullness of humanity? The Working Definitions: Contemplation/Contemplative Imagination: The total imagination involving all of our faculties: thinkin...

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  16. Henri de Lubac and the Mystical Body of Christ

    The Church on earth is the visible manifestation of Christ’s love that is enfleshed between each of her members. St. Jerome described this incarnation of love in his famous phrase Corpus Christi ecclesia est, quae vinculo stringitu...

    Lawrence Lew Disputation

  17. Why Chant is Good for Children

    My three year old son is a regular Mass-goer. Aware of his very short attention span, we make sure to sit in the front each and every Sunday. He loves when there is singing, especially chant. He loves elaborate processions. He loves ince...


  18. The Liturgy: Work of the Holy Trinity

    It is well known that the reforms of the liturgy associated with Vatican II had as their goal greater participation on the part of all. Many things changed in the external celebration of the rites designed to facilitate this, and those c...

    1500 El Greco Pentecost

  19. Awaiting Pentecost

    Most Catholics are at least vaguely aware that the Easter Vigil is a high point of the liturgical year. Yet, the Vigil of Pentecost rarely gets the same attention, despite having its own set of extended readings. If we read these texts f...

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  20. Pentecost for Preachers: The Mysticism of the Homiletic Moment

    The Easter season provides busy homilists with a basketful of opportunities to preach and preach and preach. Now Pentecost is coming. What more is there to say? What more is there to give? And, some may ask, where does the strength come ...
