
  1. Awaiting Pentecost

    Most Catholics are at least vaguely aware that the Easter Vigil is a high point of the liturgical year. Yet, the Vigil of Pentecost rarely gets the same attention, despite having its own set of extended readings. If we read these texts f...

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  2. Pentecost for Preachers: The Mysticism of the Homiletic Moment

    The Easter season provides busy homilists with a basketful of opportunities to preach and preach and preach. Now Pentecost is coming. What more is there to say? What more is there to give? And, some may ask, where does the strength come ...


  3. Syria and the Responsibility to Protect

    Human Dignity vs. the Throwaway Culture Human dignity is innate by virtue of each human person being made in the image of God. It is independent of a person’s role in society, talents and weaknesses, and demographic profile. Each p...

    1280px An Aerial View Of The Za Atri Refugee Camp