Stories of Grace: Episode 2

"Something as simple as laundry couldn't possibly be a way to draw me closer to God- could it?"

Visit here to listen to Notre Dame junior Stephanie Reuter tell the story of her dread for doing laundry, a story of finding and glorifying God through the most ordinary routines. Subscribe to the free Stories of Grace podcast on iTunes U and receive automatic notifications when a new story is published.

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Editor’s note: This is the second episode of a regular podcast featuring Notre Dame undergraduate students and others from the university community. In Stories of Grace, listen to others share their encounters with God and his workings in their lives.


Stephanie Reuter

Stephanie Reuter studies systematic theology in Notre Dame's Master of Theological Studies program. She graduated from Notre Dame in 2018 with a BA in the Program of Liberal Studies and served as a mentor with Notre Dame Vision in 2016 and 2018.

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