Nature's Lauds

A sparrow's song broke through the dawn
when all was dark and still.
Its joyous cry rose on and on,
With praise in ev'ry trill.

As faintly as its notes had come,
too soon, they fade away,
until a robin's counterpoint
rings in the light of day.

The robin then takes up the hymn
first one, and yet another—
their sweet duet a testament
to Him who is our Brother.

The Word through whom all things were made
gave birds their song to sing,
and when he took upon our flesh,
He gave us everything.

O, sparrows, robins, sing of Christ,
the New Song, long-awaited,
and teach me, too, to sing His praise
for all He has created.

Your very lives, dear morning birds,
are canticles of praise.
May my life, too, resound God's love
and glory all my days.


Carolyn Pirtle

Carolyn Pirtle is the program director of the Notre Dame Center for Liturgy and a composer of liturgical music. She is the author of Praying the Rosary Together.

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