Allison Ciraulo

Allison Ciraulo is a wife, mother, homemaker, and freelance writer. She lives in South Bend, Indiana, with her husband and two young children.


  1. Our Lady, Doer of Knots

    At the beginning of our marriage, my husband and I spent six months living in Argentina as volunteers at a hospice house. The hospice was run by a religious community with whom we were connected, and welcomed terminally ill men and women...

    Mary Undoer Of Knots Picmonkey

  2. Motherhood as a Path to Sainthood

    Saints throughout the ages have lived lives of heroic virtue in every imaginable context, as martyrs, missionaries, and mystics; doctors, lawyers, and teachers; workers, cloistered contemplatives, and itinerant beggars. There are also pl...

    Ciraulo 1 Crop