Hans Tolpingrud

Hans Tolpingrud is a former U.S. Army Infantry officer and a veteran of Afghanistan. He is a graduate of the North American Lutheran Seminary at Trinity School for Ministry (M.Div. ’16) and Valparaiso University (B.A. ’06). He is currently serving as Vicar at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Yorktown, Texas and is a candidate for ordination in the North American Lutheran Church.


  1. The Alarm of War

    Hans Tolpingrud, veteran of Afghanistan and Lutheran vicar, gives us a Memorial Day reminder from Jeremiah that the time of destruction is coming.
  2. God Reigns Over the Nations

    Grace to you and peace from God our Father and our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. Alleluia! Christ is Risen! In our daily lectionary, we are pointed to the incredible depth and range of the human experience that we find in the Psal...