Articles » Theology

  1. None of Us Shall Enter the Kingdom?

    Luís Pinto de Sá, SLU doctoral candidate in philosophy, looks at one of the classics of world cinema, Ordet, a film about the theological virtue of faith.


  2. Ora et Labora: Christians Don't Need Leisure

    Paul J. Griffiths, former Duke Warren Chair of Catholic Theology, argues that there is nothing for the Christian between work and prayer in a Fallen World.

    Two Monks Working In The Blacksmith Shop At Mission Santa Barbara Ca

  3. The Gift of Modernity

    Cyril O'Regan, University of Notre Dame Catherine F. Huisking Chair in Theology, distinguishes the cheerers, weepers, and shadow-seers of modernity.

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  4. René Girard's Thoughts for a New Nuclear Age

    Cynthia Haven, René Girard biographer, chronicles Girard's development of ideas about human nature that are fundamental to humanity's survival.

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