November 2018

Newman's Strategic Reassembly of Secular Trends

Samuel Bellafiore, deacon and seminarian for the Diocese of Albany, dissects how Newman took a theological turn using the secularizing philosophy of his day.

Jeden Ko Mechaniczny Andrzej Karpi Ski 1994

Lonergan's Communal Novum Organon

Rev. John Cush, Academic Dean of the Pontifical North American College in Rome, lays out Lonergan's theological achievement and what lies ahead of it.

The Nightwatch By Rembrandt

Charles Péguy's Difficult Hope

Anne Carpenter, Assistant Professor of Theology at Saint Mary’s College (CA), digs into the roots of Charles Péguy's art and politics.

Zurbaran Shroud

Derrida, Politics, and the Little Way

Michael Altenburger, Notre Dame PhD in Systematic Theology, deconstructs Jacques Derrida's (non-)commitments to theology.

Therese Joan Of Arc

Spirits, Souls... Tunics?

David Bentley Hart, theologian and New Testament translator, goes from biblical tunics to worlds not yet discovered.

Mosaic Of The Vault Of The Chapel Of San Zeno Ix Century

Dignity or Victimhood?

Abigail Favale, George Fox University Director of the William Penn Honors Program, examines to what extent victimhood culture should be adopted by Christians.

Titian Salome Baptist

The Crisis of Catholic Moral Theology

Charles Camosy, Fordham University Associate Professor of Christian Ethics, identifies the causes of the crisis in the discipline of Catholic moral theology.

1262px Bellows George Dempsey And Firpo 1924

Zen and the Rich Young Man

Thomas Graff, Cambridge University PhD candidate in Theology, attempts to (not) explain Zen by turning to the biblical story of the Rich Young Man.


The Catholic Resistance to Corporatized College

Anthony Sciglitano, Associate Professor in Religion at Seton Hall, looks to Catholic universities for resistance to the corporatization of higher education.

Rembrandt Aristotle With A Bust Of Homer Google Art Project